1) Yo (lavarse) a) se lava b) te lavas c) me lavo 2) Miguel y yo (despertarse) a) me despierto b) se despierta c) nos despertamos 3) Manuel (acostarse) a) se acuestan b) se acuesta c) te acuestas 4) Yo (ducharse) a) te duchas b) me ducho c) nos duchamos 5) Manuel y Miguel (estirarse) a) se estiran b) se estira c) nos estirimos 6) Tú (cepillarse) a) te cepillas b) me cepillo c) se cepilla 7) El bebé (dormirse) a) se duermen b) se duerme c) nos dormimos 8) Yo (secarse) a) te secas b) me seco c) se seca d) nos secamos e) se secan 9) What are the 6 reflexive pronouns? a) me, te, se, nos, os, se b) me, te, le, nos ,os, les c) mi, tu, su, nuestro, nos, me 10) How do we know that a verb is a reflexive verb when looking at it? a) It ends with a -se b) It ends with an -ar, -er, or -ir 11) I dress myself a) Me visto b) Me cepillo c) Me acuesto 12) I have fun a) Me duermo b) Me miro c) Me divierto 13) We sit (ourselves) down a) Nos sentamos b) Nos cepillamos c) Nos secamos 14) You dry yourself a) Te sientas b) Te secas c) Te peinas 15) A verb is a reflexive verb when the action is done to oneself? a) true b) false 16) María lava los platos sucios. a) Non- reflexive (action is not done to oneself)= NO ME, TE, SE OR NOS NEEDED b) Reflexive verb action is done to one self = NEEDS A ME, TE, SE OR NOS 17) Me cepillo los dientes. a) Non- reflexive (action is not done to oneself)= NO ME, TE, SE OR NOS NEEDED b) Reflexive verb action is done to one self =NEEDS A ME, TE, SE OR NOS 18) Yo seco el carro. a) Non- reflexive (action is not done to oneself)= NO ME, TE, SE OR NOS NEEDED b) Reflexive verb action is done to one self = NEEDS A ME, TE, SE OR NOS 19) Yo pongo los libros en mi mochila. a) Non- reflexive (action is not done to oneself)= NO ME, TE, SE, or NOS NEEDED b) Reflexive verb action is done to one self = NEEDS A ME, TE, SE OR NOS 20) Me pongo un suéter. a) Non- reflexive (action is not done to oneself)= NO ME, TE, SE or NOS NEEDED b) Reflexive verb action is done to one self = NEEDS A ME, TE, SE OR NOS
Reflexive verbs conjugation review
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