NAACP - An African-American civil rights group which uses litigation (the court system) to achieve civil rights and equality. Non-violent., 14th Amendment - This law granted citizenship to all persons born in the U.S; and all citizens are guaranteed equal protection under the law., Orval Faubus - Arkansas Governor against school desegregation who prevented African American students from entering Little Rock High School., LULAC - A Latino civil rights group which uses litigation (the court system) to achieve political, economic, and social equality. Non-violent., NOW - A women’s liberation group that fights for equal right for women. Ex: Equal pay for equal work etc., United Farm Workers (UFW) - Led by Cesar Chavez, improved working conditions for farm workers., Black Panthers - A group during the Civil Rights Movement that urged African Americans to fight for their rights through violent means if necessary., Jim Crow Laws - Laws created by white southerners to enforce racial segregation across the South., Little Rock Crisis - Nine African American students were prevented from entering Little Rock High School by the Governor of Arkansas. As a result, President ordered the national guard to escort the students to the all white school., Civil Rights Act of 1964 - This act made it illegal to discriminate based on sex, race, color, religion or national origin for employment or public facilities., Voting Rights Act of 1965 - This act outlawed obstacles to minority voting. Increased voter turnout among minorities., Chicano Mural Movement - Highlighted Chicano (Mexican-American) culture through art., Plessy v. Ferguson - This 1896 case, legalized racial segregation. (a.k.a. “separate but equal”), Brown v. Board of Education - This 1954 case, reversed Plessy. Racial segregation is NOT legal. Schools cannot be separated based on race. Led to the integration of schools., Miranda v. Arizona - This case established that defendants had a right to know their rights under the U.S. Constitution at the time of arrest before being questioned., Hernandez v. Texas - A case that decided Mexican Americans and other racial groups had equal protection under the 14th Amendment., Great Society - Pres. LBJs’ ”War on Poverty,” This plan created programs designed to alleviate (reduce) poverty and racial injustice., Title IX - This act banned sex discrimination in educational institutions. It helped women, pursue higher degrees, compete in sports, and obtain educational jobs that were previously dominated by men., Betty Friedan - A women’s rights leader who co-founded NOW and wrote the Feminine Mystique, Caesar Chavez - Hispanic labor leader and farm worker who worked for reforms and rights of migrant workers, believed in non-violent protesting, including boycotts,
STAAR - Civil Rights Review
11th Grade
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