1) If you could live in a house shaped like anything, what would it be? 2) Where is the most wonderful place you've ever been? 3) What's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? 4) What are you good at? 5) What is the worst smell in the world? 6) What makes you cry? 7) If you could, what two animals would you combine? 8) What is your favorite song? 9) Who is your best friend? Why? 10) If animals could talk what would they say? 11) What is your favorite thing to do with family? 12) What do you want to be when you grow up? 13) If you had super powers what would they be? 14) What makes you happy when you are sad? 15) What is the best thing about being a kid? 16) If you had to give up all your toys except one, what would you keep? Why? 17) If you could change one thing about me what would it be? 18) What is something you would like to learn how to do? 19) If you had your own country, what would it be called? 20) Have you ever played a practical joke on someone? What was it? 21) If you could be President for the day, what would you do? 22) If you could be any age, what age would you pick? Why? 23) Is telling the truth always right, even if it hurts someone's feelings? 24) What is the greatest thing about being you?

24 questions


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