playwright - the author of the story and dialogue of a play. He/she may also write stage notes within the script for actors and actresses to follow., director - person in charge of everything that occurs on stage during the rehearsals and the performance. Provides notes to actors., composer - a person who writes music for a play or musical, but not the lyrics., lyricist - the writer who creates the words and lyrics to the songs composed by the composer., producer - the person who puts forth the money to produce a show, hires the playwright, director, and actors., conductor - someone who conducts the band or orchestra for the production., choreographer - the person in charge of dancing and movement within a play or musical. He/she may also work with a fight director or stage combat expertise to choreograph a production., publicist - someone who is in charge of creating public opportunities for the show. He/she may publish articles, answer questions, create posters, etc. to tell the community about the performance., set designer - a person who creates the world of the play by constructing scenery, backdrops, and sets for a show., sound designer - the creator of all sound effects used during a production., costume designer - the creator and sometimes seamstress of the costumes, hair, and makeup for each actor and actress in a production to accurately look his/her part., stagehand - volunteers behind stage who help move sets and scenery during the live performance of a production to transition from scene to scene., propmaster - a person in charge of gathering and creating props for a production., actor or actress - a man/woman who portrays and makes a character to come to life on stage through dialogue., understudy - a man/woman who prepares for a lead role in a play or musical and performs if the main actor or actress becomes unable to perform.,
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