Concentric Zone Model: Created by Earnest Burgess, Based on Chicago in the 1920s, Depicts the use of urban land use in concentric rings with each ring devoted to a different land use, The middle area is where the blue collar residence would live while the white collar residence live furthest away from the city., The CBD is the most important aspect of the city., , This model does not account for deindustrialization, suburban flight, widespread automobile use, highway development, and declining use of public transportation., As city grew, residents began to move further away from the CBD leaving their housing for immigrants and lower income families., In developing countries, this model has squatter settlements have few services and lack a city or affordable services, In developing countries this model is called the Sub-Saharan African City Model. , Sector Model: Created by Homer Hoyt, It took into account major transportation routes, , Shows cities tend to grow in wedge-shaped patterns emanating out of the CBD, This model's weaknesses are it focuses too much on residential land use and doesn't account for multiple business centers. , It was a recasting of the concentric zone model, In developing countries (Latin America), this model has higher and middle class residents avoiding sectors of disamenity, which are land uses that may be noisy or polluting or that cater to lower income residents. , In developing countries (Latin America), Multiple Nuclei Model: , Created by Harris and Ullman, Some nodes include airports, colleges, CBD, tourist areas, This model's weaknesses are that it failed to consider the impact of government policies, doesn't represent cities well., CBD is still a major center of commerce, but there were other nodes that held economic significance as well, Economic activities tend to cluster together and rent-paying ability and land price varies throughout the city., In developing countries, this model is called the Southeast Asian City model., In developing countries, this model has "alien zones" where foreigners, usually Chinese, live and work. Lack a strong CBD and functions of the CBD are dispersed to several nodes. CZ shows segregation into distinct neighborhoods., MDC Urban Patterns: Concentric Zone Model, Sector Model, Multiple Nuclei Model, Galactic City Model, LDC Urban Patterns: Latin American City Model, African City Model, Southeast Asian City Model, Islamic City Model, , barriadas, favelas, bidonvilles, bastees, gecekondu, kampongs, barong-barong, alien zones,
Urban Models
9th Grade
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