Jonathan Trumbull - Only colonial governor to support independence, George Marshall - Army Chief of Staff; Truman's Secretary of State; Secretary of Defense, Alvin York - Awarded Medal of Honor, gained notoriety in Battle of Argonne Forest, Lester Maddox - Georgia businessman and Governor who refused to integrate, Roy Benavides - Awarded Metal of Honor, Texas Vietnam War hero, Jane Addams - Founder of Hull House in Chicago, a settlement house, Alexis de Tocqueville - French political thinker; author of Democracy in America, Orval Faubus - Arkansas Governor; ordered national guard to stop integration in Little Rock 1957, Warren Harding - 29th President; Teapot Dome Scandal; died in office, Glenn Curtis - Father of Naval Aviation, Betty Friedan - Author of Feminine Mystique, William Jennings Bryan - Orator, 3x Presidential candidate, prosecutor in Scopes Trial, Cesar Chavez - Leader of United Farm Workers, grape boycott, Henry Cabot Lodge - MA Congressman who supported US imperialism, Alfred Thayer Mahan - Naval officer; author of Influence of Sea Power Upon History, Charles Lindbergh - 1st pilot to complete a solo transatlantic flight, Frances Willard - Founder of WCTU, 1st woman dean at Northwestern University, John Pershing - Commander of Buffalo regiment in Cuba, Punitive Expedition in Mexico, commander of AEF, Sonia Sotomayor - 1st Latina on Supreme Court, John Jay - Founding Father, authored The Federalist Papers,
Major Figures in US History
11th Grade
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