DO s: Arrive early, 10 minutes before the interview start time., Treat other people politely all the time., Give a firm handshake., Answering the questions give specific examples., Sit still in your seat., Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question., Review the job description., Research the company on the Internet., Know the exact time, location and distance of your interview, Think about what to wear and dress appropriately for the industry., Be honest and be yourself., Have intelligent questions prepared to ask the interviewer., Prepare for the questions you will be asked., Keep eye contact and have a friendly expression., DON`T s: Pretend to have skills that you do not have., Make negative comments about previous employers., Give false answers to interview questions., Behave as if you don't care., Give the impression you are only interested in salary., Behave as if you are desperate to get any., Be unprepared for typical interview questions., Slouch or fidget on your chair., Chew gum or smell like smoke., Allow your cell phone to sound during the interview., Show negative attitude in an interview., Arrive late., Speak over the interviewer., Skip the pre-interview research of preparation.,
Job Interview
Functional Skills
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