1) Have you ever done anything that was doomed to fail? 2) Remember the thing you couldn’t comprehend. What was that? 3) Have you ever worshipped anybody? Who was it? 4) Do you have your life’s obsession? What is it? 5) Have you ever cloaked your urge to do something? What was it? 6) Is there any modern discoveries you would like to sang their praises? Which ones? 7) What do you think of the idea that the past, present and future are already written? 8) If you were to travel back in time, what would like to alter? 9) Have you ever faced the fact that upset you? What was it? 10) How do you understand the phrase “time is the greatest healer of all”? Do you agree? 11) If you met a time traveler, what would you ask him/her? What would you do? 12) What would people’s reaction be if you told them that you are a time traveler? (Scared, excited etc) Why?

DE Time travels


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