1) Secretaries a) More than 1 secretary b) one secretary 2) rookies a) one rookie b) more than one rookie 3) Drop the y and add /i/ + es a) pansies b) tables 4) Drop the y and add /i/ + es a) fries b) weirdos 5) To brag-present tense a) bragged b) bragging c) brag 6) To stir-present tense a) stirring b) stirred c) stir 7) To style-past tense a) styled b) style c) styling 8) To shred-past tense a) shred b) shredding c) shredded 9) One who is crazy a) crazier b) crazy c) craziest 10) That which is shiny a) shiny b) shiniest c) shinier 11) Compares a) foggier b) fog c) foggiest 12) Superlative a) strangest b) stranger c) strange 13) The most sincere a) sincerest b) sincere c) sincerer 14) To join again a) rejoin b) prejoin c) join 15) To capture again a) capture b) recapture c) precapture 16) Opposite of civil a) uncivil b) civil c) civilize 17) Not screwed in a) unscrewed b) screwed c) screw 18) Full of thought a) unthoughtful b) thoughtful c) thought 19) Full of beauty a) beautiful b) unbeauty c) beauty

Affixes (s, ing, ed, er, est, re, un, ful)

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