FAMILY 1. Have you got a big family? 2. Has your family got a car? 3. Has your mother got long hair? 4. Have you got 5 sisters? , CLOTHES: 1. Has your mother got a black dress? 2. Have you got red socks? 3. Have you got a white T-shirt? 4. Has your father got yellow shoes?, TV: 1.Have you got a favorite cartoon? 2. Have your family got a big TV? 3. Have you got a favorite film? 4. Has your TV got 500 channels?, YOU: 1. Have you got blue eyes? 2. Have you got blond hair? 3. Has your body got 25 fingers? 4. Have you got a long neck? , BAG: 1. Have you got a sandwich in your bag? 2. Have you got water in your bag? 3. Have you got a book in your bag? 4. Have you got the lipstick in your bag? , SPORT: 1. Have you got a favorite sport? 2. Have you got a skateboard? 3. Has your mother got a bike? 4. Have you got skates?, HOUSE: 1. Have you got posters in your room? 2. Have you got 3 windows in the kitchen? 3. Has your house got a garden? 4. Has your house got a garage?, FRIENDS: 1. Have you got a friend? 2. Has your friend got black hair? 3. Has she/he got a pet? 4. Has she/he got a car?, PETS: 1. Have you got a pet? 2. Has your pet got a long tail? 3. Have you got toys for your pet? 4. has your pet got a bed? .
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