1) The helmet is ............ the sofa. a) under b) next to c) on d) behind 2) The cat is ................ the box. a) on b) in front of c) in d) under 3) The CDs are ................ the shelf. a) on b) behind c) in d) under 4) The keys are .................. the hairbrush. a) in front of b) behind c) on d) next to 5) The hairbrush is .................... the clock. a) under b) on c) in front of d) next to 6) The guitar is .................... the armchair. a) on b) behind c) in front of d) in 7) The gloves are .................. the chair. a) in front of b) in c) on d) under 8) The mobile phone is .................... the table. a) under b) next to c) in d) in front of 9) The camera is .................... the armchair. a) in b) on c) next to d) under 10) The watch is ..................... the sofa. a) on b) next to c) in d) in front of 11) The clock is .................. the mirror. a) on b) under c) in d) in front of 12) The box is .................... the armchair. a) next to b) in front of c) behind d) under

Prepositions of place (sentences 2)

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