natural resources - substances that exist naturally on Earth and are used by humans for consumption (eating and drinking), and for the creation of products and energy, renewable resources - resources that are replaceable within a human lifetime, nonrenewable resources - fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas may be all used up in the future by humans. Fossil fuels take millions of years to form., coal - made from decayed swamp plants + millions of years of heat and pressure, oil and natural gas - heat and pressure applied for millions of YEARS to microscopic marine organisms create pockets of oil and natural gas, alternative energy sources - Energy, such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric, that can replace or supplement fossil-fuel sources, as coal, oil, and natural gas. , wind energy - A form of energy in which turbines convert the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical or electrical energy., solar energy - Energy from the Sun's radiation that is collected on special panels and converted into electrical energy., hydroelectric energy - The kinetic energy from water falling over a dam that is captured and converted into electrical energy., geothermal energy - Obtained by tapping underground reservoirs of heat, usually near volcanoes. Steamy hot springs and geysers come from these same heat sources., biofuels - Plants such as corn, are grown and converted into fuel for energy., pollution - The introduction of harmful and deadly substances or products into the environment., conservation - Protect and preserve the Earth's natural resources with 3 practices: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,
Per 1 Natural Resources
7th Grade
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