I am big. I carry people and cars. I sail on the sea. - I am a ferry, I fly in the sky. I can be big or small. I carry people to other countries. - I am a plane, I have wheels. I can have an upstairs and a downstairs. I carry passengers. - I am a bus, I have ladders. I am red. I help put out fires. - I am a fire engine, I fly in the sky. I am small. I have a rotor blades.. - I am a helicopter, I am long. I carry passengers I run on rails. - I am a train, I have four wheels. I can be petrol, diesel or electric. I drive on the road. - I am a car, I have a siren. I have flashing lights. I take people to hospital. - I am an ambulance, I play music. You see me in summer. I sell ice cream. - I am an ice cream van, I am small. I have two wheels. I have pedals. - I am a bike, I am big. I carry goods. I drive very long distances. - I am a lorry, I am bigger than a car. I'm often white. I am driven by workmen. - I am a van,
Transport-What am I?
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