co-pay - the amount you pay before you receive any benefits from your insurance coverage, fraud - the illegal use of someone else's personal information to purchase items or receive benefits , economics - the study of how a society manages its resources to produce and distribute goods and services, debt - owing anything to anyone for any reason, capitalism - a system of economics based on the private ownership of business and the products (goods and services) made and sold, incentive - something that motivates or encourages someone to do something, impulse purchase - an unplanned spur of the moment purchase generally sparked by advertising and emotion, product placement - the paid display of specific products (food, drinks, clothing, and identifiable brands) in movies, television, and media, saving - is is for financial goals that are five years or less, investing - is for long term financial that are form more than five years such as retirement, causes - the things or thing that makes an event happen, effect - the result of a cause , synonyms - words that have similar meanings, antonyms - words that have opposite or near opposite meanings, opinion - a person's or group's personal idea about something, fact - something that has been proven true, elapsed time - a period of time that has passed between two time periods, Central time zone - the panhandle of Florida is in this time zone, Eastern time zone - Most of Florida from the Atlantic around to the top of the Gulf of Mexico, Gibbs and Willoughby's fundamental skills - reading, writing, managing money and telling time. ,
Willoughby Semester Exam 2 2021
6th Grade
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