Personalise your content - Let’s face it - many teens are self-centered (in the best possible way!) They’re more likely to be motivated when the lesson comes back to them and their interests. A great tactic is to do a survey at the beginning of term, or at the beginning of your block of lessons, to gauge your students’ interests. Whatever their interests (which are likely to revolve around sports, movies, celebrities, pop culture, and current events), you can build them into your future lessons., Be empathetic - Academic stress. Crushes. Self-consciousness. Peer and parental pressure. There are a lot of moving parts here. The best thing you can do is to create a comfortable classroom for your teens. Be especially aware of the kinds of activities you plan — yes, you want to challenge them, but don’t continually put students on the spot in front of their peers. Self-consciousness flourishes now, and speaking English in front of their peers can compound these feelings., Build strong rapport - It’s surprising how something as simple as asking a student how their day is going can open up so much. It breaks down this invisible barrier. Talk with them after class if you notice they’re lingering at your desk, or say hi in the halls, perhaps giving them the chance to casually practise a phrase or two you learned in class. Depending on your country’s social norms, if you can comfortably make these friendly, personal connections then go for it!, Work creatively with the curriculum - Most teens in a school setting, or studying after class, will be learning English with some type of exam as an end goal. Depending on the country you’re teaching in, you may have a rigid curriculum you have to follow. If so, diverging from it too far will not be a good idea because the students will be tested on very specific things, and failing to teach those things could cause problems for them. But, there are ways you can make even dry textbooks fun. Have students act out the dialogues rather than you repeating them like a human tape recorder. Find songs and videos and pictures that are related to the curriculum to help students cement new words and concepts in their minds.,

Tips for Teaching English to Teenagers by Elen Turner 26/01/21

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