How many English authors can you name?, Have you read a translation of any English books in your language?, Have you ever read an English translation of a book originally written in your language?, Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?, What sort of books do you enjoy reading?, What is your favorite book?, Who are the most famous writers in your country?, Do you know any American writers?, Has seeing a film ever made you read the book it was based on?, Have you ever read a book and then seen a film of that book?, Who is your favorite writer?, How many books do you read per year?, What makes a 'classic' book?, How do you believe literature can help you to get familiar with a culture?, Do you think that books are a thing of the past?, About how many books do you have in your house?, Do you have a library card?, Who is your favorite character from literature?, Do you like to write your own short stories?, Do you keep a journal?, Which book have you read recently?, What kinds of books or which authors don't you like?, What is your favorite "quote"?, Why is literature important in our lives?, Do you give books to your friends as a present?, Some people say that "books are best friends". Is that true for you?, Do you have your own library? , Some people don't read books or read very rarely. Why?, Are book prices too high to buy in your hometown?.
Lesson 13. C1. Literature & Books
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