1) Curiosity killed the cat. a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence 2) The car swerved to miss Mrs Jackson, who had slipped off the pavement. a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence 3) I like tea, and he likes coffee. a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence 4) I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific. a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence 5) She ran quickly but still did not catch the escaping puppy a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence 6) She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged. a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence 7) The movie, though very long, was still very enjoyable. a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence

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