Correct: Step One - Ask a Question , Step Two - Research, Step Three - Form A Hypothesis, Step Four - Gather Materials, Step Five - Test the Hypothesis , Step Six - Analyze Data, Step Seven - Draw a Conclusion, Step Eight - Communicate Results, Varaible - the factor that changes in a controlled experiment, hypothesis - a possible explanation or answer to a question, observation - any information you gather through your senses, good hypothesis is based on observation and can be tested, Scientists may form different hypotheses for the same problem, prediction - is a statement of cause and effect that can be used to set up a test for a hypothesis, scientists communicate the results of experiments so that other scientists may repeat the experiment to see if they get the same results, Incorrect: Step One - Collect Information -, Step One - Research, Step Two - Ask a Question, Step Three - Organize Results, Step Four - Form A Hypothesis , Step Six - Gather Materials, Step Seven - Analyze Data, Step Eight - Draw Conclusions, Variable - any factor in a controlled experiment, hypothesis - the solution to the experiment, observation - collecting the data of an experiment , good hypothesis based on observation but is not testable, Scientists form the same hypothesis for the same problem, prediction - is a statement that communicates the results of an experiment using charts, diagrams, or graphs, Scientists communicate the results of an experiment by asking questions,
Scientific Method Review Key Terms
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