Present Simple: He listens to music every day, They don't know you, I love her, He doesn't listen to the radio., Do you speak English?, Where do you live?, We work together, What does he do?, I don't understand you, Why do you always listen to the radio?, Past Simple: Did you go to bed early?, I finished the project yesterday, When did have dinner?, Why did you stay at home?, We listened to the radio., I didn't work with him., Where did he work?, What cities did you visit?, How long did you stay in NY?, She cooked chicken for dinner yesterday., Future Simple: I'll go for a walk , We'll stay at home, I won't celebrate my birthday, We won't go to the cafe tomorrow., Will he call me? , Will they help you?, Will she watch this film?, He won't help you, Will you do it for me?, My sister will give you a lift.,
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