When you grow up, are you going to get married?, In 3 years' time, will you have a girl/boyfriend?, In 7 years' time, will you buy your own home?, Are you going to go to university?, Are you going to travel around the world?, In 4 years' time, will you be in the same school?, In 7 years' time, will you be living in the same city?, In 5 years' time, will you be famous and successful?, In 3 years' time, will you have your own car?, In 10 years' time, will you have won the lottery?, In 5 years' time, will the world be in another pandemic?, In 3 years' time, are you going on an exchange programme?, Next year, will you have the same interests?, When you grow up, are you going to have children?, Next year, will you be speaking English fluently?, This year, are you going to sit for a Cambridge exam?, In 2 years' time, will you have won a competition?, In 10 years' time, will you have created something extraordinary?, Next year, will the Covid 19 pandemic be over?.
Hopes, plans and predictions
9th Grade
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