1) Some people appear to be able to..................................language without much formal study. a) take b) hear c) acquire 2) Unless I put a new piece of language.................................practice immediately, I find I forget it. a) at b) on c) into 3) I have................................................. up my French because I'm going to Paris next month. a) revised b) brushed c) refreshed 4) It's easy to ...........................................up phrases like 'hello' and 'excuse me'. a) pick b) remember c) learn 5) I really ................................................with English idioms. I can never remember them. a) cope b) struggle c) find hard 6) Jackie is lucky -she has an .....................................for languages. a) mouth b) nose c) ear 7) I need to practise my speaking now I'm back. I'm sure I'm............................................ a) great b) rusty c) insane 8) When he went to live in Japan, he quickly got.......................................................to the sound of language. a) accustomed b) bored c) interested 9) It's very difficult to distinguish............................................the twins. a) in b) from c) between 10) I need some bits and .......................................from the shop. a) pieces b) things c) stuff

Language Voc Empower C1 U1

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