3 things you shouldn’t do before you go to bed, 2 things you must do today, 2 things you have to do before you catch a plane, 3 things you don’t have to do when you’re on holiday, 2 things you weren’t allowed to do when you were a child, 2 things you should do and 2 things you shouldn’t do when you have a job interview, 1 thing you must do and 1 thing you mustn’t do before a long journey by car, 2 things you didn’t have to do when you were a child, 1 thing you should do if you have a headache, 3 things you should do to improve your English, 2 things you shouldn’t do if you have flu, 2 things you had to do when you studied at school, 2 things you ought to consider if you’ve invited friend round to have dinner, 2 things you shouldn’t do when you break up with a partner, 1 thing which you had to do last week which you found extremely boring, 2 things you mustn’t do when you’re driving, 2 things you 2 must do this weekend.
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