Stage 1 : Little permanent migration, but high levels of nomadism, HIGH fluctuating CBR, HIGH fluctuating CDR, ex. isolated tribes, small groups of people travel the plains to hunt for buffalo , Stage 2: Dobbsland has experienced a significant number of deaths due to an unknown epidemic, The People's Republic of Zaire has a CBR of 24 and a CDR of 5, Maria marries her husband at 16. Her 8 children work on their farm. , DeValdale offers expecting families a box of baby supplies to help decrease its country's IMR. , HIGH population growth , HIGH, and increasing NIR , Grandparents are very rare, People leave their home countries for economic opportunities in other countries, People leave their farms in rural areas to migrate to urban areas, A mother visits the graves of her 6 children who died in a typhoid epidemic, Public housing inspectors are pleased when the building of sewers is complete, Stage 3 : Many jobs on Garner's Farm were replaced by machines, Meyerland has a TFR of 3.4 , moderate growth , decreasing CBR, Low CDR, HIGH but decreasing NIR, fewer children share a bedroom , Women begin to earn college degrees and work outside the home, Parents start to think about family planning , There are more 50th wedding anniversary celebrations , Many people move from urban to suburban areas , children are required to obtain vaccinations before enrolling in school , Stage 4 : People move frequently between urban areas, Low, stable CBR, CBR-CDR= ZPG, LOW or ZERO growth , Lowetopia has a CDR of 10 and a CBR of 10 , The Land of Young has a TFR of 2.1 , There is an increase in funding for Alzheimers research , Stage 5 : Holly and her husband decide to focus on their careers and do not plan to have any children, Jackson Republic has a TFR of 1.6 , Negative growth , ex. Germany, Russia, Japan, South Korea , Xannaland allows many working age refugees into its country , travel to exotic, foreign destinations exposes people to new diseases ,
Demographic Transition Scenarios
9th Grade
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