: At the moment, I'm doing a task for my boss., Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?, I'm taking art classes this term., Hey! What do you do with that knife?, My sister is usually helping in the kitchen., A kitten is play with my foot. Please make a video., The children are at the school stadium. They watching a football match., Can you help me? The printer aren’t printing., You serve Italian food here?, Listen! Flee is playing the electric guitar., This website don’t give refunds., Tom not a lazy boy. He never doesn’t get up after 10 a.m., A nice lady cleaning the streets every day, I am always greet her., Frank is check the exercise now., Are you liking the party? Do you have a good time here?, Sam working from home this week., What foreign languages you speak?, We are planing a trip to Italy next month., Are your nephews plaing outside now?, I don’t remembering this book. Is it yours?, Zack is being on holiday now., John is going to the office every day at 8 a.m., The new colleague says she's eighteen, but I'm not believing it., Don't buy a bottle of wine for her. She isn't drinking alcohol., I can't speak Chinese, but my friend teaches me.,
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