Demographic Accounting Equation  - Predicts population change with formula, Population Momentum - Propulation growth despite barriors put in place to slow growth, Population Transition - Describes population growth stabilization, Dependency Ratio - The effects of older and younger population grtoups on economicly productive population , Doubling Time/Global Growth - Doubles in 70 year when world growth is one percent, Ecumene - The proportion of the earths surface that is inhabited by humans, Epedemic - Regional spread of disease, Pandemic - Global spread of disease, Forced migration - an individual migrates agaist his or her will, Slavery - People forsed againtst their will into a form of bondage, Global Population Distribution Patterns - Populations concentrate in areas of high soil aribility, mild climates and water sources, Global Refugee Patterns - Push Pull factors for refugees and where refugees are going and why, Guess Workers - migration temporarily taking advatage of job opportunities, HIV/AIDS - major and dramiatic epidemic , Illigal Immigration - Undocumented immigration,



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