1) This person helps you to choose a good place to go on holiday a) news maker b) travel agent c) art dealer 2) This person helps you to choose a book. a) care worker b) secretary c) librarian 3) This person helps you at the airport a) check- in assistant b) secretary c) soldier 4) This person sells medicine a) doctor b) nurse c) pharmacist 5) This person answers phones and sends letters a) secretary b) care worker c) lifeguard 6) This person looks after people who need care   a) bar tender b) care worker c) gardener 7) This person protects people and country a) fruit picker b) driver c) soldier 8) This person serves in a bar a) bar tender b) form tutor c) chef 9) This person works in a beauty salon and cuts people's hair a) celebrity  b) receptionist c) hairdresser 10) This person delivers things from one place to another by type of transport with two wheels a) bike courier b) pilot c) astronaut

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