1 / ever cheat in an exam? 2 Why / cheat?, 1 / ever forget somebody's birthday? 2 Whose birthday / be?, 1 / ever get a present you didn't like? 2 What / get?, 1 / ever do an extreme sport? 2 Which one / do?, 1 / ever pretend to be ill when you weren't? 2 Why / do it?, 1 / ever study a foreign language apart from English? 2 Which language / study?, 1 / ever live abroad for more than 6 months? 2 Where / live? Why / live there?, 1 / ever do volunteer work? 2 What / do? How long / do it?, 1 / ever send an email to the wrong person? 2 Who / send it to? What happened?, 1 / ever run a marathon or a half marathon? 2 When / run? / finish it?, 1 / ever adopt an animal? 2 Where / get it from?, 1 / ever lock yourself out of your house or flat? 2 How / get in?, 1 / ever complain in a hotel or restaurant? 2 Why / complain?, 1 / ever have a problem with a phone company? 2 What / be the problem about?, 1 / ever lie about your age? 2 Why / lie?, 1 / ever speak in public? 2 What / speak about? How / feel?.
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