political map - map that shows features related to government borders such as countries, cities, or towns, physical map - map that shows geographic features of an area such as landforms: mountains, rivers, lakes, peninsulas, population density - the number of people living in a specific area, Climate - the average weather in a specific place or region over many years, geography - the study of the earth's surface, atmospheres and features, relative location - the position of a place compared to another landmark, absolute location - location is identified by a fixed point such as specific latitude and longitude coordinates, latitude - the distance measured in degrees north or south from the equator. These lines run east and west on a map., longitude - the distance measured in degrees east or west from the Prime Meridian. These lines run north and south on a map., Prime Meridian - the line of 0 degree longitude which is the starting point for measuring distance east and west around the earth., region - a specific area that has common features such as language, government, religion, climate, land features etc., continent - a large solid area of land masses separated by other land masses by oceans, ocean - large body of salt water that covers 71% of the earth's surface, plateau - a raised area of land that is flat on top, equator - an imaginary line around the earth identified as 0 degrees latitude which divides the earth into northern and southern hemispheres, basin - a depression or dip in the earth's surface, renewable resources - clean energy that comes from hydropower, geothermal power, solar and wind energy, non renewable resources - energy sources such as fossil fuels like oil, gas, coal and is not replenished at the rate it is used., elevation - the height of the earth's surface above sea level, natural resources - any material substance or organism that can be used by people such as light, air, water, plants and animals,
Unit 1 Physical Systems
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