1) She's my mum. She's my dad's... a) sister b) wife c) daughter d) mum 2) This is my brother and my... a) dad b) brother c) cousin d) grandpa 3) This is my... a) husband b) dad c) granddad d) brother 4) He's my dad. He's my mum's... a) dad b) brother c) son d) husband 5) He's my... a) brother b) sister c) dad d) son 6) He's my brother. He's my dad's... a) dad b) son c) brother d) daughter 7) She's my sister. She's my mum's... a) mum b) sister c) daughter d) grandma 8) They're my mum and dad. They're my... a) brothers b) sisters c) chidren d) parents 9) She's my ... a) sister b) daughter c) son d) mum 10) She's my ... a) sister b) grandma c) mum d) dad 11) She's my dad's sister. She's my... a) wife b) cousin c) aunt d) mum 12) She's my uncle's daughter. She's my... a) sister b) aunt c) mum d) cousin 13) He's my mum's brother. He's my ... a) uncle b) aunt c) cousin d) son 14) My father's mum and dad are my ... a) parents b) grandparents c) grandchildren 15) My sister is my grandma's ... a) daughter b) son c) grandson d) granddaughter 16) We play football together. They're my ... a) classmates b) best friends c) teammates 17) We study together. They're my ... a) classmates b) best friends c) teammates

My family


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