PARENTS - Your mum and dad are your ..., GRANDFATHER - Your father is your daughter's ..., GRANDMOTHER - Your mother is your son's ..., AUNT - Your father's sister is your ..., UNCLE - Your mother's brother is your ..., NEPHEW - Your sister's son or brother's son is your ..., COUSIN - Your aunt's daughter is your ..., SISTER - Your mother's daughter is your ..., BROTHER - Your father's son is your ..., WIFE - Your mother is your dad's ..., HUSBAND - Your father is your mum's ..., GRANDPARENTS - Your mother's and father's parents are your ..., DAUGHTER - Your sister is your mother's ..., SON - Your brother is your father's ..., NIECE - Your sister's daughter is your ..., GRANDSON - Your brother is your grandmother's ..., GRANDDAUGHTER - Your sister is your grandmother's ..., MOTHER - Your grandmother's daughter is your ... . She is your sister's mother too., FATHER - Your grandfather's son is your ... . He is your brother's father too., GREAT GRANDPARENTS - Your grandparents' parents are your ...,


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