Do you have a nickname? , When and where were you born?, Do you follow a religion?, What types of books do you like to read?, What were your favorite toys?, How do you feel about going to school?, What is your favorite subject at school and why?, Which subject is the most difficult?, Who is your favorite teacher and why?, What is your favorite school memory?, What do you wear to school?, How many years of education have you completed?, Are friends more important than family? What do you think?, Do you often visit your grandparents?, Are your parents strict?, Did you ever meet any of your great grandparents?, Do you get along well with your family?, Do you have to clean your own room?, Do you like your family? Why or why not?, Do you look more like your mother or your father?, Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about?, How many cousins do you have?, How did you get your name?, What time do you have to be home?, Should people follow the religion of their parents, or should they have the liberty to choose another?, What do you and your family like to do together?, Would you live with your parents after you get married?, Should children help with the housework? How much or how often should they help?, Do your parents trust you?, Do you think your parents understand you? Why or why not?, If you could have a different number of siblings, what would it be? , What is the perfect number of children to have?, How often does your family eat dinner together?, Describe the perfect family., Why do people get married, What makes a person a good friend, Do you get along well with your brothers and sisters?.
Family and relationships questions
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