Licensing Act 2003 - Licensing Act 2003 An Act to make provision about the regulation of the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment, about offences relating to alcohol and for connected purposes., The Consumer Rights Act (2015) - This act deals with transactions between a seller and a buyer, and is designed to protect consumers from unfair and dishonest business practices., GDPR - Strict rules on sharing personal data, Trade Descriptions Act 1968 - The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 ensures that businesses accurately describe their goods and services. It is an offence for businesses to falsely describe any element of the products they offer., Employment Law - The term ‘employment law’ refers to any piece of government legislation designed to protect employees from exploitation. In the UK, there are a number of areas of employment legislation that form the basis of employee rights in the workplace,

Legislation relevant to Hospitality and Catering

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