If cows give us milk, touch your head., If you are a girl, stand up and say your name., If you like school, clap your hands., If you rode the bus to school, put your hand on your knee., If pencils cut paper, jump up and down., If ice is cold, stomp your feet., If candy is healthy, count to ten., If you have a brother, spin in a circle., If chickens lay eggs, touch your knee., If you have a sister, say, “I do.”, If you have a pet alligator, scream really loud., If you love the snow, wave your arms., If cookies are yummy, act like a chicken., If pigs live in the ocean, hit the table., If goats live on a farm, pretend to take a drink., If clocks tell the weather, stick out your tongue., If you buy things with money, blow a kiss., If glass can cut you, moo like a cow., If your room is clean, pat yourself on the back., If two plus two is four, knock on the door., If three plus one is one, bite your lip., If a cat is an animal, blink your eyes., If a dog barks, pull your hair., If you like me, say, “Beep, Beep.”, If a piano plays music, smile as big as you can..
Conditional Directions Set 1
1st Grade
2nd Grade
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