What would you do if you were the richest person alive?, What would you do if you had to print your homework and the printer broke?, Where would you spend quarantine if you could choose?, What would you change if you could rewrite your history?, What would you do if you were the smartest person alive?, What would you do if you were the leader of our country?, What would you say if you mother caught you stealing? , What would you do if you could travel back in time? , What would you do if you could fly like a bird?, What would you say to a friend who starts to bother you?, What would you do if there was no internet for a month?, What would you do if you accidentally let your dog out and it got lost?, If you could have only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? , Who would you choose to eat your last meal with?, What would you do if you could choose between going to school or getting a job now?, What creature would you get rid of if you could?, What would you do if you caught your friend in a big lie?, What would you do if your friend came to school and smelled bad?, What would you do if your friend asked you for answers during a test?, What would you do if your parents told you you had to give up your room for a sibling?, What would you do if you spilled paint on your dad's favorite T-shirt?, What would you do if your mom said you had to visit your mean aunt on your first day off from school?, What would you do if your coach told you to sit on the bench so another kid could play?, What would you do if you forgot it was your friend's special birthday?, What would you do if you forgot to shut off the running water and it caused a flood?.
Warmup - What would YOU do?
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