What kind of home do you live in? , What is your favourite room? why? what is there? , When and where were you born? where did you grow up? , What were your favourite subjects at school? who was your favourite teacher?, What housework do you have to do?, What do you have to do at work?, What would you like to do in two year's time?, Describe your best friend! what does she/he look like? what does he/she do? why are you friends?, What is your job? Tell about your typical working day. What do you do in your lunch break?, What is your favourite transport? which means of transport is the safest? the most convenient?, What are you going to do today? tomorrow? later this year?, What is the weather like in your country in winter? in spring? in summer? in autumn? , What is your favourite month? why? what do you like doing in this season?, Tell about any holiday in Ukraine. What do people usually do on this day? what do they eat and drink?, What do people in Ukraine usually eat? what food and dishes are popular in your country?, What do you usually eat? what is your favourite food?, What kind of books do you enjoy reading? who is your favourite writer? what book are you reading now?, What's the last city or country you visited? what did you do and see there?, What do you usually wear in summer? in winter? at home? what are you wearing today?, What do you enjoy doing on a rainy day? on a sunny day?, What do you usually do at the weekend? , What can you do very well? what cannot you do very well?, When do you usually go on holiday? what do you like doing on holiday? Do you have a favourite holiday destination? , Name 5 things you cannot live without. Why can't you live without them?, Tell about your favourite café or restaurant. Where is it? why do you like it? what is your favourite dish there?, What is better: living in the countryside or in the city? , Where would you like to live? Describe your dream house..
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