1) What are the 2 kinds of letters? a) vowels and vowel teams b) consonants and vowels c) blends d) digraphs 2) Every word has at least one ________________ . a) consonant b) digraph c) blend d) vowel 3) Every vowel sound has a short and a long sound. a) True b) False 4) Y is the only letter that can be a consonant or a vowel. a) True b) False 5) When the letter Y is at the beginning of the word, it is always a _________________ . a) Vowel b) Blend c) Consonant d) Vowel Team 6) When the letter Y is in the middle of a word or at the end, it is always a _________________ . a) Consonant b) Vowel c) Blend d) Digraph 7) What letters are vowels in our alphabet? a) A, E, I, O, U b) I, E, F, G, Q c) QU, EA, IO, AW, OW d) A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y 8) Digraphs are 2 or 3 consonants that make how many sounds? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 9) Most consonants make only 1 sound. a) True b) False 10) There are 4 consonants that make 2 different sounds. What are those consonants? a) Q, C, S, X b) C, G, S, X c) C, G, R, Z d) C, Z, Q, G 11) What 2 sounds does the letter C make? a) /s/ and /z/ b) /s/ and /g/ c) /s/ and /k/ 12) What 2 sounds does the letter G make? a) /g/ and /j/ b) /g/ and /q/ c) /j/ and /p/ 13) What 2 sounds does the letter S make? a) /s/ and /x/ b) /s/ and /z/ c) /s/ and /c/ 14) What 2 sounds does the letter X make? a) /ks/ and /z/ b) /k/ and/z/ c) /k/ and /x/ 15) What letter always follows the letter Q? a) a b) e c) u d) i 16) What is the consonant blend in the word brake? a) ke b) br c) bra d) ake 17) You hear all the letter sounds in a consonant blend. a) True b) False 18) Consonant blends will always come at the end of a word. a) True b) False 19) Sometimes consonant blends can have 3 letters. a) True b) False 20) What is the consonant blend in the word splash? a) sh b) ash c) spl d) sp 21) Blends and Digraphs are the same thing. a) True b) False 22) What are the 4 bonus letters? a) s,t,f,l b) f,l,s,z c) s,p,f,l d) f,l,s,p 23) What is the floss or bonus letter in the word floss? a) f b) l c) o d) s 24) Is the letter 'y' a vowel or consonant in the word yellow? a) consonant b) vowel 25) What is the digraph in the word wish? a) wi b) sh c) is 26) What do you add to words that end in ch, s, z, x, and sh to make them plural? a) s b) ss c) es d) ess 27) Which of the following is a welded or glued sound? a) at b) ang c) int d) end 28) A syllable is a part of a word that can be pushed out in one breath. a) True b) False 29) The welded sounds "ang" and "ank" are closed syllable rule breakers or exceptions because they have a long a vowel sound. a) True b) False 30) The welded sounds "ing" and "ink" are closed syllable rule breakers or exceptions because they have a long e vowel sound. a) True b) False 31) How many vowels are in a closed syllable? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 32) What is a closed syllable? a) CVVC b) CVCe c) VC
Wilson Steps 1and 2 Review Skills Quiz #1
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