the Plaza, the Tate gallery, the Globe. - We use the with - names of cinemas, hotels, theaters, museums, ships, galleries, the Canary Islands, The Alps, The Atacama desert, the Panama Canal - We use the names of rivers, seas, oceans, groups of islands, mountain ranges, deserts, canals., The United Kingdom, the Leaning Tower of Pisa. (exceptions: The Netherlands, the Lebanon, The Vatican City); - We use the with countries they include words such as "state, kingdom, republic and names/nouns with of, the prime minister; but me omit the with proper names: Queen Victoria - We use the with titles, The Guardian; The Sunday Times; The Independent - If the is part of a title, it must be capitalized, Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Bielorruskyi station, Gorkyi Park - We do not use the with the name of streets, squares, parks, railway stations, Mount Everest, Lake Baikal - We do not use the with mountains, individual islands, lakes and continents, Harrods, Dave's pub - We do not use the with names of pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels named after the people who stated them and end in -s or -'s, Sarah went to school (she is a student) / Her father went to the school to see her teacher yesterday (He went to the building) - We do not use the with the words bed, church, college, court, hospital, prison, school, university,
C1 Advanced - unit 17 MATCHING (articles)
Cambridge Exams
English as a foreign language
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