Once upon a time, there was an old woman and a little boy., One day, the old woman made a gingerbread man., She put the pan in the oven to bake., The little boy watched the gingerbread bake., The old woman told the little boy not to open the oven door., The boy started to smell and wanted to take a closer look., The boy opened the oven door and the gingerbread man jumped out., The old woman and the little boy ran after the gingerbread man., The old woman and the little boy were worn out., The gingerbread man ran across a bridge where some men were fishing., The little boy and the old woman chased after him., The gingerbread man yelled. "Run , run as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man., The gingerbread man said I'll run away from them, too., The fishermen dropped their poles and ran after him., The gingebread man cried out ,"Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man., The fishermen sat down and rest., The gingerbread man got away.,
Gingerbread Man Story Sequence
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