cartography - The science of making maps, cartographer - a person who makes maps, bird's eye view - a view of Earth's surface looking downward from a height, navigation - to plan and follow a route, compass rose - a circle showing the principal directions printed on a map or chart., cardinal directions - North, East, South, West, intermediate directions - Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, political map - a map that shows the names and borders of countries, physical map - A map that shows mountains, hills, plains, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc., Pangea - supercontinent, cross-section - to take a part out of a model to see what is inside, tectonic plates - Sections of the Earth's crust that move due to heat and pressure., Ring of Fire - A circle of volcanoes surrounding the Pacific Ocean., igneous - a type of rock that forms from lava and magma, symbol - something that stands for something else on a map,
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