Bill of Rights - first 10 amendments in the U.S. Constition , Capital - most important city in state or country, Citizen - a person who legally lives in a country, Civics - study of rights and duties of citizens, Civil War - a war that happens in one country, Congress - the legislative branch of the US Gov't, Elect - to choose a person to become a leader, Federal - related to the gov't of the entire country, Freedom of Speech - the right to express one's thoughts and beliefs, President's Day - A national holiday on the third Monday in Feb that honors past Presidents, Labor Day - A national holidy on the first Monday of Sept that honors laborers, Senator - elected person who represents a state , State - a division in a nation that has it's own gov't system, Washington D.C. - the capital of the U.S. , White House - Office Resident and office of the U.S President , Supreme Court - The highest, federal Court in the U.S. , Supreme Court Justices - The 9 members of the Supreme Court that evaluates laws , The Capitol Building - where Congress is , Executive Branch - This branch includes the President, VP and his Department Heads, Legislative Branch - This branch includes the Congress , Judicial Branch - This branch includes the Supreme Court , Impeach - to fire or remove a President,
Vocabulary and Keywords Unit 1
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