Ability: I can ride a bike, Can you ski?, He could swim since he was 5 , I could never speak 5 languages , Can she teach me to drive?, Probability: This must be her new office - the address is right!, It must be very cold in Siberia in winter, Your words can't be true, You could have miss your train if you overslept!, The actor could live next door, Obligation / Advice: I have to get up early every day, I need to do it right now, She should stop smoking at work, This music has to stop right now, We must run faster, Permission: Can we do it right now?, You can take my car if you want to , My boss said that I may leave earlier today , Could you open the window please?, You may smoke here , Habit: As a teenager I would often skip the classes, She will always go for a walk after the gym, Will he be standing like this all day?, We used to live in a small city before moving to LA, I used to smoke a lot in my 20s.,
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