Checks & Balances : Congress can override a veto, Presidential appointees are approved by the Senate, Presidential treaties are ratified by the Senate, A veto's can be overturned by Congress, Congress can stop funding for Presidential projects, Separation of Powers: President can pardon people, President enforces the law, President can appoint Federal Judges, Congress can pass a law, Congress can declare war, Federalism: The National Govt is in charge of the army , Maryland can pass marriage laws for MD citizens, Only the National Govt can create money, The National and State Govt. can tax, States have different graduation requirements, Limited Government: Constitution limits Govt. power, Congress cannot take away freedoms, Govt. only has the power the Constitution gives, The U.S. has a Bill of Rights, The President doesn't have unlimited power, Judicial Review: SCOTUS can declare a law unconstitutional, Marbury v Madison court case, The courts have declared hundreds of laws void, Federal courts can say that a Govt action is in violation, Rule of Law: Government officials are never above the law, Gov. of Delaware was arrested for fraud, A Justice was convicted of murder, Congress has to follow every law it passes, Popular Sovereignty: We the People, Citizens elect Senators and Representatives, Our Democracy is by consent of the people, All power flows from the people, Democracy,
Principles of Government
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