1) Why do we eat? a) Because we are tired b) Because we are hungry c) Because we are sick d) Because we are funny 2) Why do we go to school? a) To eat b) To sleep c) To learn d) To run 3) Why do we use an umbrella? a) Because it is sunny b) Because it is raining c) Because it is snowing d) Because it is cold 4) Why do we put ice in our drink? a) To make it hot b) To make it sweet c) To make it salty d) To make it cold 5) Why do we eat fruit and vegetables? a) Because they are junk food b) Because they are heatlhy c) Because they are gross d) Because they are hot 6) Why do we wear gloves? a) To keep our feet warm b) To keep our head warm c) To keep our hands warm d) To keep our nose warm 7) Why do we say hello to someone? a) Because it is nice b) Because it is mean c) Because we are hungry d) Because we are tired 8) Why do we go to the dentist? a) To clean our feet b) To clean our teeth c) To clean our hands d) To clean our hair 9) Why do we go to the doctor? a) Because we are mad b) Because we are sick c) Because we are funny d) Because we are happy 10) Why do we wear sunscreen? a) So we don't run b) So we don't eat c) So we don't get sunburn d) So we don't eat candy

Why Questions w/ pics

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