True: Google Drive is a cloud based storage solution, Google Drive allows you to save files and access them from anywhere, Google Drive is easy to use and all in one place, It allows you to share your files using a custom link, Google Drive allows you to access your documents from anywhere in the world, Items in the bin are deleted forever after 30 days, You can access your class drive folder through Google Classroom, You can access Google Drive on a smartphone/tablet, You can get Google Drive for your desktop, Google classroom/calendar can help you stay on track  with your assignments, False: Google Drive can only be used on a computer, Google Drive does not allow you to save files, Google Drive is not microsoft compatible, It does not let you store videos, photos and PDFs, Google drive only lets you access your documents in college, Items in the bin are kept forever , You cannot access your class drive folder through Google Classroom, You cannot access Google Drive on you smartphone /tablet, Google classroom and calendar cannot link together,

Google Drive and organisation


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