Talk about advantages and disadvantages of never getting married, Ask your partner to talk about their childhood hobbies and dreams, Talk about causes and consequences of a vegan lifestyle, Talk about your habits and how they’ve changed over the years, Rant or rave about a book you’ve read, Talk about your preferences in men/women, Present and describe any object you have at hand, Talk about your feelings when you are at a concert, Compare living in a big city and in a village, Describe someone you look up to, Poetry is useless. Agree or disagree, Talk about causes and consequences of global warming, Make predictions for your partner, Motivate your partner to learn Korean, Complain about your life during quarantine, Rant or rave about a movie/series you’ve watched, Talk about gay parades in a politically correct way, Describe the appearance of your favourite singer, Talk about your preferences in food, Talk about your childhood. Be vague, Talk about your feelings when you are in dire straits, Your friend seems down in the dumps. Speculate about that, Explain to your partner how to learn new words effectively, Talk about causes and consequences of quarantine, Make predictions for your life in 2021/22, Actors get way too much money for what they do. Agree or disagree, Men and women can’t be friends. Agree or disagree, Complain about something related to living in your city, Talk about the latest trends (in fashion, technology and the like), Compare life in the 20th century and now.
Advanced I. FL discussion
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