Male Physical Changes: Voice changes, Shoulders get broader, Start producing sperm, Penis & testicles enlarge, Nocturnal emissions, Spontaneous erections occur, Ejaculation, Female Physical Changes: Breasts develop, Hips get wider, Ovulation, Menstruation, Start producing vaginal discharge, Both Physical Changes: Grow taller, Skin & hair get oily, Acne (Pimples), Growth of facial, body, and pubic hair, Sweat glands develop, Body starts producing sex hormones, Social/Emotional Changes: Friendships become more important, Mood swings, May become interested in having a significant other, Begin having romantic feelings, Sometimes feel lonely and confused, Stronger feelings of wanting to "fit in", Want more independence, Myths: Boys get erections because they are always thinking about sex, All teens argue with their parents during adolescence, Teens get pimples because they don't wash often enough, All girls are emotional and tearful before their periods,
Puberty Changes
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