True: The 1918 Pandemic had 3 waves, New York, New Haven, and Chicago opened public schools for students during the 1918 pandemic, People are fined up to 10,000 euros for not wearing a mask in Germany today, Someone was shot during The 1918 Pandemic because they did not wear facial protection, The first wave for the Spanish flu was from Spring 1918 to Fall 1918, False: The 1918 Pandemic killed 9-12 million people in the first wave, Germany is keeping schools open during COVID-19 because they want to keep the economy running , During the 1918 pandemic, there were no regulations about keeping masks, During both pandemics, the strict medical regulations for schools were necessary and proved unsuccessful., The first wave for the Spanish flu was from March 1918 to December 1918 ,

Similarities Between COVID-19 and the Spanish Flu


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