1) Find the plural of the noun: goose a) geese b) gooses c) geeses 2) Find the correct plural of the noun: foot a) foots b) feet c) footes 3) Find the correct plural of the noun: pony a) ponyes b) ponies c) ponys 4) Find the correct plural of the noun: dwarf a) dwarfs b) dwarfes c) dwarves 5) Find the correct plural of the noun: daisy a) daisys b) daisies c) daisyes 6) Find the correct plural of the noun: king a) kings b) kinges c) kingies 7) Find the correct plural of the noun: berry a) berries b) berrys c) berryes 8) Find the correct plural of the noun: boss a) bosses b) bosss c) boss 9) Find the correct plural of the noun: church a) church b) churches c) churchs 10) Find the correct plural of the noun: leaf a) leaves b) leafs c) leafes

Singular and Plural Noun Rules


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