motionless with amazement or terror, not friendly; unfavorable to one's well-being, to take for granted or suppose, with deep respect, with enthusiastic devotion or diligence, a pursuit to find or obtain something, useless or unsuccessful, successful or thriving condition, boldly or daringly, unavoidably, an effort to attempt (noun); to make a major effort or attempt (verb), uncomfortably strange in a fearful way, involving grave risk or danger, lacking caution or good judgment, to become less violent or intense, intensely, strongly, or violently, strong dislike that shows in action, skillfully or cleverly, a strong, fast movement forward, watchfully and cautiously; looking out for danger, to face in hostility or defiance , to anger; to arouse to action or feeling, firmly holding a purpose or opinion; stubbornly, with strong displeasure at injustice or insult, to waste recklessly, to be uncertain or unsteady; to swing back and forth, cleverly or slyly, to boldly go somewhere or do something risky, to endure despite difficulty, to force, drive, or urge, determined ahead of time, filled with horror or dismay, skillful, to hold or treat as dear, to change or develop gradually, covering a large area; immense.
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