Fingerprints - unique ridges found on the hands and feet, Dactyloscopy - study of fingerprints, Friction ridges - an arrangement of ridges, Epidermis - outer layer, Dermis - inner layer, Hypodermis - deep fatty layer, dermal papillae - uppermost section of the dermis (determines the form and pattern of the ridges), Arches - Plain arch or tented arch, Loops - Radial loops or ulnar loops, Whorl - Plain whorls, central pocket whorls, double loop, or accidental whorl., Plastic - 3 dimensional prints on soft surfaces, Patent - Visible prints formed when blood, dirt, ink, paint, etc. is transferred onto a surface., Latent - Invisible, Cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) Fuming - Used on uneven surfaces (hard to dust) or surfaces where the moisture has dried., Iodine Fuming - used on untreated wood, paper, cardboard and certain types of cloth., Ninhydrin - Used on paper, DFO (1,8 Diazafluoren-9-one) - used on paper. Produces more detailed fingerprints than ninhydrin.,
FingerPrint Vocab
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